Press articles about the DriDanube (Drought in the Danube Region) project published in Austria

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DriDanube, funded by Interreg, addresses the risks and impacts of drought in the Danube region. The project aims to improve capacity of the region for drought emergency response and enhance preparedness for drought management by introducing…

EODC Forum 2019 – Registration open!

Join us at this year's EODC Forum: May 21-22 in Vienna, Austria Register at the Forum's website for this year's EODC Forum. Information about directions, dinner location and the main topics presented on both days of the…

LandMonitoring.Earth – Delivering global land monitoring products

Landmonitoring.Earth provides a global land cover monitoring system for automated retrieval of high resolution map layers and monitoring information. Growing demands for land cover information are can now be satisfied through B2B services…

Another successful EODC Forum held in May 2018!

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We are pleased to announce that the EODC Forum 2018, held on the 23rd and 24th of May 2018 at the Vienna University of Technology, has proven a great success! We would like to thank the over 83 participants from 37 organisations spanning 8…

Copernicus satellite data and DriDanube stakeholder meeting

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The workshop “Copernicus Nutzbar Machen” (in German language) was held on the 30 May 2017 at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW). The aim of the workshop was to present the possible…

New coverage maps available

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We are now providing coverage maps for Sentinel-1 GRD and SLC, as well as Sentinel-2 products!

Career at the EODC

We are looking for new staff members! Check out our vacancies! 

Another great EODC Forum in May 2017!

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We are pleased to announce that the EODC Forum 2017, held on the 9th and 10th of May 2017 at the Vienna University of Technology, has proven a great success! We thank the over 95 participants from 49 organisations spanning 11 different…

EODC to host virtual services for Interreg Danube Transnational Programme

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Drought management is in many aspects still based on “ad hoc” response. Therefore, the main objective of the new project DriDanube is to enhance drought resilience in the Danube region by introducing recently developed monitoring and risk…