The EODC FORUM 2024 – June 10th – 11th, 2024

We are pleased to announce that the EODC Forum 2024 was a great success!

We would like to thank the 168 registrants from 87 organisations, spanning 11 different countries (AT, DE, CH, FR, IT, ES, CZ, SI, NL, PL, HU) for their in-person attendance and active participation. It was great to see and feel the support that the EODC receives from the public, its partners and colleagues in the Earth Observation community and beyond!

This year’s FORUM commenced with a reflection on EODC’s achievements over the past decade as well as a look at the Austrian space strategy and the future role of EO. Jens Schneider (Rector, TU Wien), Henriette Spyra (Director General for Innovation & Technology, BMK), Martin Polaschek (Federal Minister, BMBWF), Monika Mörth (Director General for water management, BML), and Josef Aschbacher (Director General, ESA) praised EODC’s contributions to research, innovation, and climate protection.

The second day highlighted EODC’s national and international activities and continued with a Barcamp session titled “Connecting Earth Observation and Users Towards Achieving Climate-Neutral Cities” organized by UIV Urban Innovation Vienna. The afternoon was dedicated to an EO Marketplace hosted by Austria’s Aeronautics and Space Agency (FFG), showcasing success stories and dynamic pitches from key EO players.

Our Networking-Dinner on June 10th at Juwel Wien was a welcomed opportunity to connect and build on existing and/or new business partnerships and opportunities as well as raising a glass to 10 years of EODC!

For a review of presentations please visit:

Stay tuned for more information about the upcoming EODC FORUM 2025!